How to care for plants, shrubs, trees, and flowers.
Gardener's Corner Dietes Robinsoniana or Lord Howe Wedding Lily 

Dietes Robinsoniana or Lord Howe Wedding Lily 

About the Lord Howe Wedding Lily

Dietes robinsoniana, also known as the Lord Howe Wedding Lily, is a beautiful and unique flower that is endemic to Lord Howe Island, Australia. It is a member of the Iridaceae family, which also includes irises, freesias, and gladioli.

The Lord Howe Wedding Lily is a tall plant, growing up to 2 meters tall. It has long, sword-shaped leaves and clusters of large, white flowers. The flowers have a yellow throat and are about 10 centimeters in diameter. The flowers bloom in the spring and summer, and are a popular food source for bees and other pollinators.

The Lord Howe Wedding Lily is a relatively easy plant to care for. It prefers full sun or partial shade and well-drained soil. It is also tolerant of drought and salt spray. The Lord Howe Wedding Lily does not require a lot of fertilizer, but can be fertilized in the spring with a balanced fertilizer.

The Lord Howe Wedding Lily is a beautiful addition to any garden. It can be planted in borders, beds, or containers. It is also a good choice for planting in coastal areas. The Lord Howe Wedding Lily is also a good choice for attracting butterflies and other pollinators to your garden.

Lord Howe Wedding Lily

Oh, Lord Howe Wedding Lily, so pure and white, Your beauty fills my heart with delight. Your petals unfurl, a radiant sight, A symbol of love, radiant and bright.

On Lord Howe Island, your home you make, Where sea breezes sing and waves gently break. Your fragrance wafts on the gentle breeze, A sweet melody that never ceases.

In lore and legend, your name is praised, As a flower of love and dreams embraced. Brides wear your crown on their wedding day, A symbol of love’s everlasting sway.

Interesting facts about the Lord Howe Wedding Lily

The Lord Howe Wedding Lily is endemic to Lord Howe Island, Australia. It is a member of the Iridaceae family, which also includes irises, freesias, and gladioli.

The Lord Howe Wedding Lily is a tall plant, growing up to 2 meters tall. It has long, sword-shaped leaves and clusters of large, white flowers. The flowers have a yellow throat and are about 10 centimeters in diameter. The flowers bloom in the spring and summer, and are a popular food source for bees and other pollinators.

The Lord Howe Wedding Lily is a popular flower for weddings and other celebrations. It is often used in bouquets, centerpieces, and other floral arrangements.

Lore about the Lord Howe Wedding Lily

The Lord Howe Wedding Lily is a symbol of love and purity. In lore and legend, the flower is said to bring good luck and happiness to those who receive it.

Brides on Lord Howe Island often wear a crown of Lord Howe Wedding Lilies on their wedding day. This is a symbol of their love and commitment to their new husband.

The Lord Howe Wedding Lily is a beautiful and unique flower that is cherished by people all over the world. It is a reminder of the beauty of nature and the power of love.

Here are some additional tips for growing and caring for the Lord Howe Wedding Lily

  • Plant the Lord Howe Wedding Lily in the spring or fall.
  • Space the plants about 1 meter apart.
  • Water the plants regularly, especially during the first year after planting.
  • Fertilize the plants in the spring with a balanced fertilizer.
  • Deadhead the flowers to encourage new growth.
  • Divide the plants every 3-5 years to keep them healthy.

The Lord Howe Wedding Lily is a beautiful and versatile plant that can be enjoyed in many different ways. It is a great addition to any garden and is relatively easy to grow and care for.

Pests and diseases

The Lord Howe Wedding Lily is relatively resistant to pests and diseases. However, it can be susceptible to aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs. If you see any pests on your plants, treat them immediately with an insecticidal soap or neem oil.


The Lord Howe Wedding Lily can be propagated by division or by seed. To divide the plant, simply dig up the plant and cut it in half with a sharp knife. Replant the divisions in well-drained soil. To propagate the plant by seed, sow the seeds in a well-draining seed mix and keep them moist. The seeds should germinate in 2-3 weeks.


The Lord Howe Wedding Lily is a beautiful and unique flower that is endemic to Lord Howe Island, Australia. It is a relatively easy plant to care for and is a great addition to any garden.

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