How to care for plants, shrubs, trees, and flowers.

How to care for a Candlestick plant

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What is a candlestick plant?

The candlestick plant, also known as the golden shrimp plant or Cassia Alata, is a tropical shrub renowned for its vibrant yellow flowers. These flowers, resembling long candlesticks, give the plant its name.

Native to regions of South and Central America, this beauty thrives in warm climates. But don’t worry, we’ll show you how to take good care of it even if you don’t live in the tropics!

Varieties of candlestick plant

The candlestick plant, also known as the golden shrimp plant or lollipop plant, comes in many varieties. You should know about the different types before choosing one for your garden.

Pachystachys lutea: This is the standard candlestick plant. It has bright yellow flowers and green leaves. It grows between 36 to 48 inches tall.
Pachystachys coccinea: The flowers of this variety are bright red. It’s less common than the yellow candlestick plant, but just as beautiful.
Pachystachys spicata: This is a smaller variety, growing only 18 to 24 inches tall. Its flowers are a subtle shade of white.

Remember, these plants come from warm climates. They’ll need plenty of sunlight and heat to thrive.

What do candlestick plants look like at different stages of the growing cycle?

If you’re growing a candlestick plant, it helps to know what it should look like at each stage of its life. It’s like watching a kid grow up!

Seedling Stage
When your candlestick plant first sprouts from the seed, it will look like a tiny stalk with a couple of leaves. The leaves are usually vibrant green, but they may be slightly yellow if the plant is under stress. Don’t worry, though. This is very normal.

Growing Stage
As your plant grows, its stalk will thicken and it will produce more leaves. These leaves will be larger and more complex, often divided into several individual leaflets. It’s essential to keep providing it with lots of light and water at this stage so it can grow tall and strong.

Flowering Stage
Finally, the flowering stage arrives. This is the stage everyone waits for because it’s when the candlestick plant truly shines. It produces large clusters of vibrant yellow flowers that look like glowing candlesticks, hence its name.

Mature Stage
At the mature stage, your candlestick plant will be tall and full of clusters of these bright yellow flowers. They can reach upwards of 8 feet in height. Just be careful not to let it dry out, as these plants like a lot of moisture. Even in their mature stage, they still need lots of care.

Remember, no two plants are the same. Your candlestick plant may not look exactly like another one, but that’s what makes it special. Just like you!

How to pot or plant a candlestick plant?

Planting a candlestick plant is easy if you follow these steps. First, grab a pot that has drain holes at the bottom. Candlestick plants like well-drained soil. So, the holes in the pot will help get rid of any extra water.

Step 1: Fill the pot halfway full with potting soil. Make sure you choose a soil that is rich in organic matter. Candlestick plants love this type of soil.

Step 2: Next, take the candlestick plant out of its old home. Gently shake the roots to remove any old dirt. This gives the new soil a chance to reach the roots.

Step 3: Place the plant in the new pot. Don’t push it down too far. The top of the roots should be at the pot’s rim.

Step 4: Fill the rest of the pot with soil. Pat it down gently around the plant. There should be about an inch of space between the soil and the rim of the pot. This keeps the water from spilling over.

And there you have it! You’ve successfully potted a candlestick plant. Now, let’s talk about how to care for your new green companion.

What type of soil does the candlestick plant need?

Your candlestick plant needs a well-draining soil. This plant doesn’t like soggy conditions. You can use a standard potting mix. For an extra boost, add some perlite or sand to improve drainage.

How much sunlight does a candlestick plant need?

Your candlestick plant loves sunlight. It thrives in full sun or partial shade. Providing it with 5-6 hours of sunlight a day is crucial for its healthy growth. A sunny window ledge makes a great spot. But be careful! Direct, harsh sunlight during midday could hurt your plant. Early morning or late afternoon sun suits it best.

How much water does a candlestick plant require?

Like many plants, candlestick plants love water! However, you must strike a balance. Water your plant well, but don’t drown it. Overwatering can cause root problems, including rot. Aim for a “moist but not soaked” feel.

How often should I water my Candlestick Plant?

Well, that depends on where your plant lives. If it’s outdoors in a warm, sunny spot, plan on watering it more frequently – about once a week is good. For indoor plants or those in cooler, shadier areas, watering once every two weeks should suffice.

How to fertilize a candlestick plant

Fertilizing a candlestick plant is not complex. You only need a basic understanding of plant nutrients and enough patience to follow through with the routine.

Choosing the Right Fertilizer

Candlestick plants thrive on general-purpose fertilizers, such as 10-10-10 NPK, which gives them a balanced diet of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. These fertilizers are available in most gardening stores.

How Often to Fertilize

Fertilize your candlestick plant once a month during its active growing season. This runs from spring until late summer. Don’t fertilize in the fall or winter, as the plant is in its resting stage.

Applying the Fertilizer

Follow these two simple steps to apply fertilizer to your candlestick plant:

First, water your plant thoroughly. This preps the soil to safely receive the nutrients.

Next, apply your chosen fertilizer according to its package instructions. This ensures your plant gets the right amount of nutrients.

Remember that measured, regular care is the key to enjoying a healthy, flourishing candlestick plant!

How can I tackle common pests and diseases with candlestick plants?
Spotting pests and diseases on a candlestick plant early can save you a lot of trouble. Here’s a handy guide to help you keep your plant in top shape.

Pest Issues with Candlestick plants

Many pests love candlestick plants. The major ones you may encounter include aphids, scale insects, and spider mites. Fight back with these steps:

First, knock the pests off the plant with a strong spray of water.
Second, use a soft cloth soaked in a soap-water mix to wipe the leaves and stems down.

Lastly, consider using a natural insecticide for persistent pests.

Common Diseases

Candlestick plants can also suffer from certain diseases, primarily fungal ones. Here’s how you can manage them:

First, remove any infected parts of the plant to avoid spreading.
Second, apply a natural fungicide if the problem continues.
Overall, remember that prevention is the best cure! Keep the plant’s surroundings clean.

In short, caring for a candlestick plant means being vigilant about pests and diseases. Stick to this advice, and your plant should thrive. Remember, the easier you spot trouble, the easier it is to treat!

How do I prune my candlestick plant?

Pruning your candlestick plant is easier than you think! Here’s a quick guide to help you master it:

What you’ll need:

  • Sharp, clean pruning shears
  • Gloves for protection

Here’s your easy step-by-step guide:

Start by putting on your gloves. This protects your hands from the plant’s sap, which can be irritating.

Examine your plant. Look for areas that are overgrown, damaged, or diseased. Also, identify any long, thin stems that are causing the plant to look leggy.

Use your pruning shears to cut back these sections. Make your cuts just above a leaf node or branching point.

Do not prune more than ⅓ of the plant at once. If heavy pruning is necessary, spread it out over several weeks.

Remember that the best time to prune your candlestick plant is during the growing season, from spring to early fall.

How to propagate a candlestick plant

Propagation of the candlestick plant can be a fun and rewarding task. You might think it’s hard, but it’s not! By following these directions, you can start growing your own candlestick plants from pieces of an existing one. Isn’t that exciting?

Step 1: Begin by selecting your plant. Choose a healthy, vibrant candlestick plant as the parent. A strong parent means stronger offspring.

Using sharp, clean shears, cut a stem off the parent plant. The cut should be at an angle.

Place the cut stem in a jar of water. Make sure the cut end is submerged.

Marks on the jar can help track water levels.

Keep the jar near a sunny window, but out of direct sunlight. You want enough light for photosynthesis, but not too much to avoid overheating.

Change the water in the jar regularly. This stops it from smelling bad or becoming a breeding ground for unwelcome pests.

Wait patiently! Soon, roots will start to form on the stem. That’s your cue to transfer the stem to a pot filled with potting mix.

And there you have it! You’ve successfully propagated your first candlestick plant. Keep taking care of it – water it on a regular schedule, make sure it gets enough light, and watch it grow!


Caring for a candlestick plant isn’t tricky. With the right approach, your plant will flourish. Remember these key steps:

Light: Your plant needs lots of sunlight. Place it near a sunny window.

Water: Keep its soil moist but not soggy. Don’t let the plant sit in water. Overwatering can lead to root rot.

Soil: Well-draining soil is crucial. Use a soil mix made for cacti or succulents.

Fertilizer: Feed your plant during the growing season. But in winter, let it rest.

Remember, the candlestick plant is a tropical beauty. It thrives in warm, moist conditions. It may need some extra TLC during cold, dry months. Give it the right mix of light, water, and nutrients, and it will reward you with lively growth and stunning blooms.

Note: Always watch for signs of pests or disease. Yellowing leaves, mushy stems, or tiny bugs are a call for help. Don’t ignore these signs. Act fast to keep your plant healthy.

In the end, caring for your plant is a joyful task. It connects you with nature. It teaches you patience and attention.

And most of all, it adds a splash of color and life to your home. So, go ahead, get your hands dirty, and enjoy nurturing your candlestick plant!

Where to buy a candlestick plant

Buying a candlestick plant is easy if you know the right places to look. Many nurseries and home improvement stores carry them, or you can find them online. Here are a few options to consider buying Candlestick Plant seeds online. Want to buy Candlestick plant seeds online? Check out this review.

Local Garden Centers
Garden centers often carry a range of plant varieties, including candlestick plants. The staff can offer valuable advice about plant care.

Big Box Stores
Big box stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s often stock a variety of plants in their garden departments. Look for healthy plants with fresh green leaves.

Online Stores
Online plant stores like The Sill or offer a variety of plants, including the candlestick plant. They deliver right to your door, providing a convenient service especially for those who live in areas where plant shops are not accessible.

Farmers’ Markets
At a farmers’ market, you can often find unique plant varieties not typically sold in conventional stores. It’s also a great way to support local growers.

Once you’ve obtained your candlestick plant, remember the key criteria for its care: ample sunlight, well-draining soil, and consistency in watering. With these steps, your candlestick plant will thrive and beautify your indoor or outdoor spaces.

If you like candlestick plants then you might also like these house plants.

Now that you’ve become a master at caring for your candlestick plant, why not expand your household greenery? There are plenty of similar plants you might enjoy, and all of them can bring more nature into your home.

Let’s take a look at some options.

The Golden Pothos
First, let’s begin with the Golden Pothos. Easy to care for and stunning to look at, these plants bear a resemblance to a candlestick plant with their hanging vines. They’re perfect for indoor gardening and don’t need a lot of light.

Spider Plant
The Spider Plant is another option to consider. It loves the same conditions as your candlestick plant – indirect light and weekly watering. Plus, it has a quirky, unique look that’s sure to grab attention.

If you’re interested in a plant that requires less attention, then you’ll love the Philodendron. It can survive in low-light conditions and needs watering only once ever two weeks! Its glossy leaves will add a fantastic pop of color to your home.

The Fiddle Leaf Fig
Lastly, consider the Fiddle Leaf Fig. It’s a small indoor tree with striking large leaves. Like your candlestick plant, it will appreciate a well-lit spot and a moderate watering schedule. It’s a bit more high-maintenance but well worth it for the beauty it brings.

With all these options, you’re sure to find the perfect companion for your candlestick plant. Enjoy the journey of becoming a plant parent and remember – plant care is as much an act of self-care as taking care of another living being.

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Table of Contents

Frequently Asked Questions

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