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What are the best lilies to plant for fragrance?

Close your eyes and imagine the sweetest fragrance you can think of. Is it a rose garden? A lavender field? Or perhaps a bouquet of lilies? Lilies are known for their intoxicating fragrance, and some varieties have a scent that is so strong, it can fill a room. If you’re looking for the best lilies to plant for fragrance, here are a few of our favorites:

What are the best lilies to plant for fragrance?

  • Oriental lilies: Oriental lilies are known for their large, flamboyant blooms and intense fragrance. Some of the most fragrant Oriental lilies include ‘Stargazer’, ‘Casa Blanca’, and ‘Black Beauty’.
  • Asiatic-Oriental hybrids: Asiatic-Oriental hybrids combine the best qualities of Asiatic and Oriental lilies, including early bloom time, vibrant colors, large blooms, and sweet fragrance. Some of the most fragrant Asiatic-Oriental hybrids include ‘Tutti Frutti’, ‘Lollipop’, and ‘African Queen’.
  • Trumpet lilies: Trumpet lilies are known for their large, trumpet-shaped blooms and early bloom time. Some of the most fragrant Trumpet lilies include ‘Golden Splendor’, ‘Regale’, and ‘African Queen’.
  • Martagon lilies: Martagon lilies are native to woodlands and shady forests, and they produce clusters of nodding, bell-shaped flowers in a variety of colors, including white, yellow, orange, and pink. Some of the most fragrant Martagon lilies include ‘Album’, ‘Hansonii’, and ‘Martagon Album’.
  • Plantain lilies: Plantain lilies are not true lilies, but they are often referred to as lilies because of their similar appearance. Plantain lilies are very tolerant of shade and can even thrive in deep shade. They produce clusters of bell-shaped flowers in a variety of colors, including white, yellow, orange, and pink. Some of the most fragrant Plantain lilies include ‘Hosta’, ‘Funkia’, and ‘Hemerocallis’.

When choosing lilies for their fragrance, it is important to keep in mind that some varieties are more fragrant than others. It is also important to note that the fragrance of lilies can vary depending on the time of day and the temperature. For example, lilies are often more fragrant in the evening and on cooler days.

How to plant lilies for fragrance

When planting lilies for fragrance, it is important to choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil. Lilies also need regular watering and fertilization. To maximize the fragrance of your lilies, plant them in groups of three or more. You can also plant lilies near doorways and windows so that you can enjoy their fragrance as you come and go.

Tips for caring for fragrant lilies

Here are a few tips for caring for fragrant lilies:

  • Plant lilies in well-drained soil. Lilies do not like to sit in wet soil.
  • Water lilies regularly, but avoid overwatering. Lilies need about an inch of water per week.
  • Fertilize lilies regularly during the growing season. Use a balanced fertilizer that is specifically designed for lilies.
  • Deadhead lilies after they bloom to promote new growth.
  • Mulch around your lilies to help keep the soil moist and cool.


Lilies are a beautiful and versatile flower that can add a touch of elegance to any garden. With so many different types of lilies available, there is sure to be a type of lily that is perfect for your garden, regardless of your preferences for fragrance. If you want to learn more about how to care for your lilies, please check out how to care for lilies.

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